If President Donald Trump’s initial response to the police killing of an unarmed black man in Minnesota surprised some as uncharacteristically measured, his threat of violent police retaliation and military intervention thrust him more squarely into a familiar position as racial instigator and defender of law enforcement.
Amazing. Trump goes to the Rose Garden. He talks about Hong Kong. Not a word about George Floyd’s murder. Nor about the violence and riots in Minneapolis. Nor about the 101,000 Covid deaths in just 3 months. Do we even HAVE a president? What does he imagine his job covers? Golf?
— Laurence Tribe (@tribelaw) May 29, 2020
.@JoeBiden’s statement about George Floyd’s death and America’s original sin was exactly what the situation called for. This is what presidential leadership looks like. We need to replace Trump with Biden in the White House. Nothing could be plainer.
— Laurence Tribe (@tribelaw) May 29, 2020