Just months into his presidency, a small circle of senior White House advisers met with Donald Trump about a carefully curated list containing the names of dozens of perceived political opponents, particularly leakers, working inside the government.
Trump is getting more rabid and erratic by the week. I have never in 50 years of experience seen a more vindictive, abusive, and ignorant public official. His behavior in public office is simply shameful. https://t.co/kZfWtqyt8n
— Barry R McCaffrey (@mccaffreyr3) March 7, 2020
Nancy Pelosi tore up the State of the Union speech
Chuck Schumer threatened conservative justices by name
Bernie won't condemn his supporters attacking Trump supporters
Remind me again how the president is the one dividing the country?
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) March 7, 2020