Month: November 2021

Paid family leave in spotlight as Senate weighs Biden social spending plan

Fresh off securing U.S. House of Representatives passage of President Joe Biden’s social and environmental spending plan, his fellow Democrats are pressing ahead with it in the Senate, where the bill may undergo major changes on issues such as paid family leave to satisfy party centrists. The $1.75 trillion legislation, approved by the House on Friday over united Republican opposition, includes four weeks of family leave paid by the government for reasons such as the birth of a child or caring for a sick relative. The legislation, which aims to bolster the U.S. social safety net and fight climate change, must win over divided Senate Democratic moderates and liberals, as Republicans remain opposed.

Covid-19 Cases Rise in Pockets of North and West, Halting Delta Variant’s Decline in U.S. – The Wall Street Journal

Covid-19 cases are climbing in the upper Midwest, Southwest and parts of the Northeast, stalling progress in ending the spread of the Delta variant just before Thanksgiving holiday travel.

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