Category: Election 2020

Trump Wisconsin Campaign Lawsuit Details

The Trump Legal Team filed a campaign lawsuit in Wisconsin contesting several election flaws. The lawsuit was about 300 pages long. Here are the main points from the lawsuit: “Illegally altering absentee ballot envelopes” “Counting ballots that had no required application” “Overlooking unlawful claims of indefinite confinement” “Holding illegal voting events”

Arizona Election Fraud Hearing: Computer Expert said Illegal Votes were added in Pima County and possibly elsewhere

During the special Arizona Election hearing, Rudy Guiliani brought in a computer expert as a witness over the Election Fraud that took place in Arizona. The computer expert said there a anonymous email sent to DOJ that claims that 35k in fraudulent votes were added by Democrats in Pima County, AZ via “spread distribution.” Expert […]

Trump considers appointing a Special Prosecutor to Investigate the 2016 Election

President Donald Trump was interviewed by Maria Bartiromo on Sunday’s Futures on the Fox News Channel, and she asked the President if he’ll appoint a special counsel to continue to investigate the 2016 Election. Here’s what the president said, “I would consider a special prosecutor because you know, this is not a counsel, it sounds […]

FBI to Investigate Voter Fraud and has requested Matt Braynard’s Data

The Federal Bureau Investigation (FBI) are investigating the voter fraud situation during Election 2020. Matt Braynard, a data scientist, and former Trump Data Chief in 2016, announced on Twitter that the FBI has approached him for data he found on illegal ballots he found in battleground states that cost the Election. Update: – The @FBI […]

PA Senator Doug Mastriano announces the PA legislature will draft a joint resolution to take back power from the Secretary of State in the appointment of presidential electors

While on Steve Bannon’s War Room, PA Senator Doug Mastriano announces the PA legislature will draft a joint resolution to take back power from the Secretary of State in the appointment of presidential electors and reverse the certification. He also said he is going to “take the fight all the way to the Supreme Court […]

Pennsylvania Voting Numbers are not tabulating well

Rudy Guiliani and the Trump Legal Team presented evidence to the Pennsylvania State Legislation on voter fraud in their state. Guiliani pointed two huge gaps with Pennsylvania’s mail-in ballots. “You have two major gaps — you have the 672,770 votes that were not inspected by anyone secretly put into the ballot box and then you […]

Sidney Powell says she has video and picture evidence of election fraud

Sidney Powell, part of the Trump Campaign legal team, appeared on the Washington Examiner podcast, “Examining Politics”, and claims she has video and picture evidence of election fraud. “And we have multiple people who actually saw it as it was happening. And so we essentially have some pictures of it.” Powell said, “Ah, and it […]

Trump Campaign Legal Team Brings Evidence of Voter Fraud in Press Conference

The Trump Legal Team headed by Rudy Guiliani held a press conference in Washington DC presenting evidence of voter fraud in the battleground states. Giuliani quotes an affidavit of an election official in Detroit who swears she was instructed not to look for defects in absentee ballots; to backdate ballots to avoid having to sequester […]

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